iTTi School of English Placement Test

iTTi School of English follows the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) standards to describe the language ability of a person.

Please note: The ‘English Placement Test’ gives you a general description of your English language level. It is not an iTTi English Level Proficiency Certification exam and you will not be able to use your test score as proof of a formal language qualification.

The test is divided into 2 parts within the parts are a total of ten sections:

Part 1 will focus on the following areas: grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and listening.

Part 2 will focus areas for Part 2 will be on Written Expression and Speaking. Access to Part 2 will be available to those registering to any of iTTi School of English’s courses.

The test starts the moment you click on the Start button.


Duration: 90 minutes (1 hr. 30 minutes)

Time allotted has expired.

Part 1 - iTTi School of English Placement Test




Fill out the information form

1 / 86

Section 1 - Grammar


How old are you?

2 / 86

He went to the stadium .....

3 / 86

How long have you been living in London?

4 / 86

We haven’t got ..... money.

5 / 86

What sentence is correct?

6 / 86

Peter ..... fly to San Francisco tomorrow.

7 / 86

He plays soccer .....

8 / 86

.... some more coffee?

9 / 86

I wanted a green shirt but they only had .....

10 / 86

He ..... never been to America.

11 / 86

What sentence is correct?

12 / 86

The house was empty. There ..... there.

13 / 86

If I were rich, I ..... buy a house on the beach.

14 / 86

When she arrived, he .....

15 / 86

I forgot ..... the lights before I left.

16 / 86

By the time you finish the class I .....

17 / 86

The room can’t be dirty she .....

18 / 86

He plays soccer, ..... ?

19 / 86

If only I ..... to the party instead of staying at home.

20 / 86

Has Mrs. Smith arrived ..... ?

21 / 86

Wendy is ..... Paul to get up now.

22 / 86

Have you sent that letter to Mr. Taylor?
Yes, I’ve ..... done that.

23 / 86

It’s no use ..... to him. He doesn’t listen.

24 / 86

This is the girl ..... I met on Thursday.

25 / 86

..... is your house from here?

26 / 86

You can watch TV ..... you like.

27 / 86

This house is quite old. It ..... in 1910.

28 / 86

She ..... go to school yesterday.

29 / 86

That’s the ..... of my worries, it’ll never happen.

30 / 86

Don’t ..... me. I’ll be back late.

31 / 86

The lady ..... in the corner is my aunt.

32 / 86

What statement is correct?

33 / 86

He doesn’t like ..... what to do.

34 / 86

I ..... it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I’m going for a picnic.

35 / 86

I thought you .....

36 / 86

He remembers being ..... to the fair as a child.

37 / 86

Finishing a course is always .....

38 / 86

She worked hard yesterday and ..... finish everything.

39 / 86

What statement is correct?

40 / 86

What statement is correct?

41 / 86

I wish I ..... a car, I’m tired of catching the bus.

42 / 86

Peter can eat ..... as twenty oranges in one sitting.

43 / 86

I know he didn’t thank you, but he .... have done so.

44 / 86

I won’t go to the cinema ..... you come with me.

45 / 86

He wrote the letter ..... , he didn’t need anybody’s help.

46 / 86

Hotel rooms must be ..... by noon.

47 / 86

You can take the book with you ..... you give it back.

48 / 86

Let’s go watch the game, .....

49 / 86

I need to finish this ..... Friday.

50 / 86

After many years of research, they found the solution .....

51 / 86

Section 2 - Vocabulary


I like her, she’s very quick-thinking and funny; I find her ____

52 / 86

Since I hurt my foot at the gym last week, I ____

53 / 86

It rained so hard last night; this morning we had to ____ along the flooded street.

54 / 86

My ankle is very ____ , I’m afraid I sprained it.

55 / 86

Why did you lie to me?! I’m so ____ with you!

56 / 86

The car ____ on the icy road.

57 / 86

My uncle was mistaken ____ Bill Murray. It’s true they look alike.

58 / 86

Please stop ____ with your necklace, it stresses me out!

59 / 86

Job interviews are often hit-or- _____, we can’t really know for sure if the person is qualified for the job until they start working.

60 / 86

When she discovered he was cheating on her, she was ____ and threw all his stuff away.

61 / 86

Section 3 - Reading Comprehension A


Supergran: Hero or Fool?

Ann Timson is an awe-inspiring seventy-year-old grandmother. Why? Because she is a hero!
Last week, Ann Timson was talking to a woman on the street when she heard a commotion. She saw six men shattering the windows of a jewelry store in broad daylight.
Realizing that other bystanders “did nothing,” she stepped in. She dashed across the street and hit one of the robbers with her shopping bag bringing him to the ground. The man was pinned down by other people who finally came to her aid.
Remarkably, all of this was captured by a freelance cameraman who happened to be nearby. The video was a huge buzz on YouTube.
The supergran insisted she was “not a hero” but “somebody has to do something.”
It turned out that Ann Timson had been at the “heart of the community” for 20 years. Residing in a poor area of Northampton, she had checked on vulnerable and disabled residents on the estate where she was a warden.


Find a synonym of “commotion”.

62 / 86

Find a synonym for “broad” (in this context, “broad daylight”).

63 / 86

True or False: Ann Timpson succeeded in arresting the six burglars.

64 / 86

True or False: Ann Timpson was unknown in her neighborhood.

65 / 86

Find a synonym for warden (in this context).

66 / 86

I also have to ____ customer enquiries.

67 / 86

She tried ____ but your phone was off.

68 / 86

The news you can get on ____ such as Twitter is always up to date.

69 / 86

Many people are looking for jobs abroad because of high ____ in my country.

70 / 86

She depends ____ the weather for her job; she works in the tourism industry.

71 / 86

You ____ a mess of this kitchen!

72 / 86

The most important tasks in my job are to ____ new staff.

73 / 86

Section 4 - Vocabulary B


If I’m late again, I’ll be ____ trouble with my boss.

74 / 86

You’ve been working so hard. You should go out and ____for once!

75 / 86

You never know what to expect with him; he’s so ____, one day he’s happy, the next he’s not talking to you.

76 / 86

Section 5 - Reading Comprehension B


In 1976, Muhammed Yunus, a Bangladeshi professor of economics, started a new kind of bank. Grameen Bank gives small loans – usually no more than US$ 100 – to indigent people who can’t get credit from normal banks. This kind of credit is called microcredit.

97 percent of Grameen’s clients are women. They make the most of their credit by starting small businesses such as conceiving furniture, sewing clothes or breeding animals for milk.
There are some rules to follow: people have to make groups of five people called “loan circles.” If one of them doesn’t pay back the loan, no one in the group can get credit in the future. However, if everyone follows the rules, they can get bigger loans.

In 2007, Grameen Bank had over seven million customers in nearly eighty thousand villages. There are now seven thousand microcredit organizations all around the world.

Professor Yunus and Grameen Bank won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.


True or False: Professor Yunus invented the microcredit.

77 / 86

True or False: You can get a loan if you don’t belong to a group.

78 / 86

True or False: Loan circle can get you very interesting loans.

79 / 86

True or False: Professor Yunus won the Nobel Prize in Economics.

80 / 86

True or False: Professor Yunus is from India.

81 / 86

Section 6 - Listening:


Listen to the following passage and the questions that follow. Then choose the best answers to the questions.



Listen as the student consults with the receptionist on campus.


What is the student’s situation?

82 / 86

How is the student going to pay?

83 / 86

What does the student NOT need to do?

84 / 86

Where does the sticker go?
Choose 2 answers.

85 / 86

What is stated about parking on campus?

86 / 86

Who parks in which areas?
Choose 2 answers.


The test starts the moment you click on the Start button.


Duration: 60 minutes (1 hr.)

Time allotted has expired.

Part 2 - iTTi School of English Placement Test


You will need to record your voice response for this test. Please prepare the recorder on your smart phone or laptop. Note: Only MP3 format will be accepted for uploading.



Fill out the information form

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Section 7 - Written Expression A


Write about a person you admire. Explain why you admire him/her, describe his/her actions.

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Section 8 - Listening Expression:


Supergran: Hero or Fool?

Ann Timson is an awe-inspiring seventy-year-old grandmother. Why? Because she is a hero!
Last week, Ann Timson was talking to a woman on the street when she heard a commotion. She saw six men shattering the windows of a jewelry store in broad daylight.
Realizing that other bystanders “did nothing,” she stepped in. She dashed across the street and hit one of the robbers with her shopping bag bringing him to the ground. The man was pinned down by other people who finally came to her aid.
Remarkably, all of this was captured by a freelance cameraman who happened to be nearby. The video was a huge buzz on YouTube.
The supergran insisted she was “not a hero” but “somebody has to do something.”
It turned out that Ann Timson had been at the “heart of the community” for 20 years. Residing in a poor area of Northampton, she had checked on vulnerable and disabled residents on the estate where she was a warden.


What do you think of Ann Timpson? Do you think she is a hero? In a similar situation, what would you have done? Please write 300 words,

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Section 9 - Speaking Evaluation A:


Select one of these two questions. You are allowed to take some notes on a piece of paper and prepare your answer. Then record a 2 minute video recording your response and upload it. DO NOT READ YOUR NOTES. Speak freely. Do not click the 'Submit" button until you have uploaded your recording. Note: You can upload files in MP3 or MP4 format only.

Click here to upload your recording.




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Section 10 - Speaking Evaluation B:


What does this quote mean to you?


Get ready for 2 minutes. You are allowed to take some notes on a piece of paper and prepare your answer. Then record a 1 minute video with the answer and upload it. DO NOT READ YOUR NOTES. Speak freely. Do not click the 'Submit" button until you have uploaded your recording. Note: You can upload files in MP3 or MP4 format only.

Click here to upload your recording.
